The Queen Is Dead, Long Live Johnny Marr!

Érica Pucci

Favourite track: 'I Know It's Over'

I've been trying for a few hours to write the importance The Queen is Dead has in my life. I was only 5 when it was released so I couldn't understand its impact in music history at the time. Or my life, for that matter. As I listen to it at this very moment and I pay attention to every verse and guitar riff and bass line, I still can't put into words what this album means to me in a coherent way. All that comes out of my mouth is the equivalent of BLUAHRA. Mozzer would be so proud! This album, although not my favourite (Strangeways, I'm looking at you), contains the quintessential songs (not one but two!!!!) of my excruciatingly lonely young adult years filled with beers and feelings of inadequacy and perfection made morbid love song, which now I obviously sing to my girlfriend in every opportunity I have, like any normal person should... So there, sweetness, I was only joking when I said I couldn't understand this album impact in my life, I worship every single second of it (but Johnny's guitar on Some Girls a little bit more than the rest, I confess).
