The Queen Is Dead, Long Live Johnny Marr!

Jonny Hughes

Favourite track: 'Bigmouth Strikes Again'

The Queen Is Dead will always be a special album to me – it was the first time I recall going on a mission to purchase a specific album. I had a cool drama teacher who told me to go buy it, so the Saturday morning after I went into town and got it. I can still remember how I felt first listening to it, looking at the cover –that dark, gothic feel with the artwork and the haunting introduction. It changed my life. Each weekend thereafter, pocket money permitting, I would go slipping down Leeds’ side streets, acquiring another album by The Smiths. I also bought my first guitar shortly after this, because I was convinced, and I’m probably preaching to the converted here, but I was convinced Johnny Marr was God. And you know what? I still believe it.
