The Queen Is Dead, Long Live Johnny Marr!

Liv Parker

Favourite track: 'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out'

Whenever I am asked by people who are unfamiliar to The Smiths which would be a good introduction album, I almost always say “The Queen is Dead” for the simple fact that it is uniquely versatile. It has a superb mix of punchy, kick arse songs (like the title track The Queen Is Dead and Bigmouth Strikes Again), humorous ditties (Frankly Mr Shankly and Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others), songs of woe (I Know It’s Over, Never Had No One Ever) and pure anthems (There Is A Light That Never Goes Out) – to pick a favourite song for me would be like asking a parent trying to pick a favourite child. There is so much that can be said about The Queen Is Dead, but rather than me rabbit on about how important it is as an album, I can only urge people who haven’t ever listened to it to put it on, sit by your record player and just absorb the songs. You won’t regret it!
